Kinesiology Taping

Kinesiology taping is the method of therapy and rehabilitation based on stimulation of natural reparative processes in the body. 

Kinesiology taping at the systemic level works in the following directions:
peripheral and central nervous system;
circulatory system;
lymphatic system;
musculoskeletal system.

The main effects of kinesiology tape:
improvement of circulation;
improvement of lymph outflow;
pain relief;
optimization of muscular work;
stabilization of joints and support of injured tissues.

Kinesiology tape consists of two components: 
100 % cotton;
hypoallergic glue. 

The tape is air- and water-permeable, but at the same time it is water resistant. Due to these features, it is possible to wear the tape for several days, and it does not loss its properties.

bases and anchors should be applied without tension;
for maximal effect, hair should be shaved;
ends of the tape should be rounded;
maximally stretch the area of tape application;
avoid folds on the skin and tape;
rub the tape for better fixation after application;
Attention! Additional heating of tape or skin is not required.